Bridge Road Galaxy IPA - 3 Ways

Posted: 21/02/13

Bridge Road Galaxy IPA - 3 Ways

Wednesday 27th February from 6-8pm

Over the last couple of years The Bridge Road Single Hop IPA Series has done a fantastic job showcasing Australian Hops in dangerously drinkable form, including Summer, Pride of Ringwood, (St)Ella and of course Galaxy.

Galaxy is both one of our favourite Hops and one of our favourite IPAs, so when Ben offered to swing us a keg of Low Carb Galaxy we resolved to drill down into this wonderful hop and explore our Galaxy a little bit further; explore it 3 Ways in fact...

So, in a 3 Way comparative tasting, we'll be pouring Galaxy IPA:

  1. As it comes (Brewery hopped)
  2. As we retro-fit it (Glasshoppered with Galaxy Hop Flowers)
  3. As CAMRA intended (lightly chilled and gently carbonated through the Handpump)

Kegs tapped 6pm - on for as long as they last!

What's your favourite Galaxy?